Nau Mai - Welcome


Welcome to Mind Your Tongue, a world first in helping families to change the language of their homes.


Whether you're an Indigenous person revitalizing your language, or whether you've migrated to another country and taken a heritage language with you, Mind Your Tongue is for you!

My name is Vini (he/him), and I'm Māori (Tauranga Moana/ Te Arawa), Pākehā, Scottish, German and Danish. Welcome to my world!

The name of the course, Mind Your Tongue, is a play on words. It is a common saying in English that means to be quiet, or to stop talking inappropriately. Here, I play with this saying in a different way:

Let's take care (mind) of our tongues (languages)!


  • About the content of the course
  • A little about me
  • That you don't need to be fluent in your language(s) to take this course
  • About the accessibility and inclusivity provisions for this course.

Let's get started! Click on the Introduction video below.


Tip! Does the video look blurry? Check your video settings (the cog above) are set to 1080p.

Whether your language is part of the Indigenous network of languages or a heritage language, you have a home in this course. Whether you're living on your traditional homeland, or whether you've migrated to another home - you can learn to keep your languages in your home.

Now I've introduced you to the course, let's take a look at the overall outline of what we'll cover:


The lessons are as follows:

  • What is Language Revival?
  • Why do we stop speaking our languages?
  • How do we reverse that stopping?
  • How do we actually 'choose' between one language or another?
  • What makes a good language planner?
  • How do we plan for language through generations?
  • Language Planning - the basics, the specifics, and some extras!
  • Getting kids involved in the plan
  • Getting spouses involved in the plan
  • What if things feel like a failure?
  • What if you can't find the resources you need?
  • Mythbusting the word 'fluency'

My name is Dr Vincent Ieni Olsen-Reeder (he/him). Find out a little more about me!


In case you were wondering, you don't need to be fluent in your language(s) to do this course!



I believe in accessible and inclusive teaching practice, and am committed to continual decolonisation, privilege-checking and learning better ways to teach, and be. I've designed this course with the following considerations, for digital accessibility and inclusivity:

  • This course, hyperlinks, and headings are all compatible with all immersive readers
  • Where Teachable allows, images have alt-text provided
  • All videos are captioned
  • This course avoids colour schemes known to be difficult for some people
  • This course is actively anti-racist
  • This course contains no instances of gendered language.

It isn't your job to teach me about things I've missed, but it you would like to let me know about something, I'd be more than appreciative to know about it!

That's all for this section. Please click through to continue to our first lesson, What is Language Revival?


You can do this course at your own pace. You could potentially view all of the material in a few hours (though you wouldn't take any of it in!). All told, most people will need 3 to 12 months engaging with this content in some way.

There will be a portion of time where you may not need access to the content, and may not be viewing this material as much. That's why you have different pricing options, so there's something for everyone!


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