A picture of the teacher of this course, dressed in a white suit. There are some photos of some landscape behind him.

Kia ora, and welcome to the School of Language Revival!

I'm Vini. I've just launched my first course, Mind Your Tongue!, the world's first and only online course of its kind.

Are you a learner or speaker of an Indigenous, heritage or minority language? Or, do you want to be?

Are you having some trouble turning those endless language lessons into real life use?

You're not alone, and I'm here to help.

This ISN'T a language class. Here, I'll teach you how to actually change the language of your home, forever. To do this, I'm going to make you a language planning expert!

I bring you the latest and greatest in language research, in an easy and simple way.

It's easy, fun, and most of all - empowering.

Hoake tātou, let's go! Click 'Get Started' above to see a free trial of the course.

Mind Your Tongue! is not a language course

I can't teach you your language (unless it's Māori), but I can teach you how to change the language you use everyday, and help you affirm your identity.

If you're part of a community that has an Indigenous or heritage language in its ancestry, this course is for you!

Ko wai au?

Hey! It's me, Dr Vini, pictured here with my darling.

I'm Māori, from Aotearoa New Zealand.

I teach language, and teach people to plan to change their language behaviors.

I have a PhD, have helped write songs, I've written books and all sorts! Let me teach you what I know!

A picture of the teacher of this course, dressed in a blue suit. His fiance is also pictured next to him. Behind them are some windows, and some people preparing to host some drinks.


As Indigenous and heritage language learners, we can often feel down about our language use. We can attribute our feelings to things like language trauma, and this can be debilitating.

Not everything we feel is actually the result of trauma. In this course, I'm going to help you feel affirmed that no matter how 'fluent' you are, you are making your ancestors proud, each day!

I'm On Your Clock

Pre-recorded content means you can get amongst things when you like, as you're ready. Come and go, as you like, with flexible payment options that work for you and your life.

Click get started below to see a free preview!